• Dominatrixxx offers worldwide shipping?

We ship our products all over the world.


  • Delivery Cost

For orders over $170.00 Free Shipping
For orders over $100.00 $19.90
For orders over $50.00 $29.90
For orders up to $49.99 $40.00


  • Import Duties and Taxes for Internacional Orders

If you're ordering from a country other than the BR, you may be subject to import duties or taxes. DOMINATRIXXX is not responsible for reporting or paying any local or international taxes. All prices on the website, as well as the total cost of your order, do not include sales tax or customs duties.
The customer is fully responsible for any taxes and duties that may apply. If any local taxes or duties are charged, the customer will need to pay them in order to release the package from customs. Once the order is shipped, all duties and taxes become non-refundable. Additionally, if the customer returns any items, DOMINATRIXXX will not refund any taxes or duties paid.